Blocks of Praise made the AQS Des Moines 2012. We consider that a winner. One of 40 machine quilted bed quilts to make the show.
Chubby Chicks Love Bugs
If you go to the Kentucky Star Quilt Shop in Hopkinsville,KY, you will see some of our work. For a shop demo, we quilted Anne Bright’s Love Bugs design on an adorable Chubby Chicks quilt. We think it’s a perfect combination. See what you think.
Star Power… Stars and Loops from a “Pro-
I love these Stars and Loops. With the Pro-Stitcher on my long arm quilting machine, the back of this t-shirt quilt is as pretty as the front. I will show you the front in a later post….only after the customer sees it.
All the yummy threads – I could just eat
Don’t you just love all the yummy threads there are now for our long arm quilting! I am not a purist when it comes to thread. I love them all. Some long arm quilters have their favorites. I can’t even narrow it down to cotton or poly or blend. And I haven’t even tried them […]